We know many of you have been curious about the titles of our books and what they are focused on, so we thought we'd go ahead put together a quick article to describe each briefly.
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Metaphors, and Dreams (2020)
Amazon Review: "While 'bothness' is not a word, it is a thought that came going through my mind as I read Mythos: A map to myths, metaphors, and dreams. Metaphors and myths go together, just as self-awareness and other-awareness go together. More than other points in time, we need to hold two opposing thoughts at the same time; it is like spinning plates.
When we do this, we begin to see the different sides of an issue, situation, or conditions. What the author, Melissa Wright, calls on readers to do is to embrace bothness. It is myths and metaphors; it is ourselves and others.
It is a language and visual imagination. With our current state, opening our minds
to more significant meanings and understandings is critical.
Mythos provides a path for openness and new actions for betterment."
-Jon Mertz, CEO, Santa Fe Innovates
(Available Now) Mythos, Melissa's first book, is a linguist's take on how to use the combination of metaphors, myth, and dreams as a way to propel our talk and our societal dynamics forward.
It highlights how dreams, myths, and metaphors serve as a guide to illustrate what is within each of us and how they can be used to bring groups together through communal consideration and understanding. It, of course, argues for collective myths, which are nothing more than amplified metaphors, to be reincorporated into our everyday rhetoric, serving to bind us together in a time of divisive language.
Her accessible technique, Imythiation™, is developed throughout, as she pulls from literary, mythological, and artistic minds to help illustrate the myths that are sleeping within us all, waiting to be reawakened.
Click here to order your copy and feel free to pass along the link to anyone who might be interested.
Melissa's second book and first novel, "Key & Clasp: Chronicles of a Forgotten Magic" is currently being written.
Myths of Mind
Neil's first book is the beginning of a series of volumes titled Myths of Mind:
Volume 1: Out Lines dives into how we can strategically handle and navigate the waves of insecurity in ourselves, with all others, no matter what he calls: The Interpersonal Weather.
Out Lines is available now on Gumroad.com
Volume II: Re Groove is currently in the last round of editing and will be released very soon!
Our goal is to write books that complement each other and your growth as a communicator. We know they'll be useful to you self developers, leaders, artists, psychotherapists, professionals, and folks who are just interested in progress in general, especially when it comes to evolutions of our cognitions, belief systems, and perception. We create books that help you create progress and evolution opportunities in your daily communications, so positive change can be accessible to everyone.
Check out our Gumroad profile for more content like our short, co-authored book: Myths We Live By, and How To Communicate Through Them, as well as our newly tailored trainings (Quarantine Communication Evolution, and more on the way!).
We look forward to releasing more very soon,
and to this end, order your copy of Mythos
+ Myths of Mind: Out Lines! Re Groove
will be available very, very soon!